Unlocking potential through immersive workshops

Experience the transformative power of expertise. We train and energize individuals to realize their dreams. Our team empowers you to soar with confidence.



Our expertise


Elevate your school's enrichment offerings with Edusparc's customizable workshops designed specifically for institutions. We go beyond traditional learning formats, offering engaging hands-on experiences in woodworking, filmmaking, and home improvement. These tailored programs align with your curriculum, fostering creativity, social interaction, and student confidence. Our workshops create a vibrant learning environment where students can discover new passions, collaborate with peers, and build valuable skills that benefit them throughout their academic journey.


Edusparc workshops offer a treasure trove of benefits for both individuals and families. Individuals can unleash their creativity, build confidence, and de-stress by building beautiful objects. They also gain valuable practical skills that translate into other areas of life. Families can bond over shared projects, fostering communication and teamwork. Learning becomes a two-way street as parents pass on knowledge and children develop new skills. It's a chance to disconnect from screens, create lasting memories, and build treasured heirlooms that strengthen family ties. On top of that, children can develop practical life skills like patience and following instructions.


Our partner - Clichcloud, offers a robust online Early English Literacy program designed to give young children a strong foundation in phonics reading skills. The program emphasizes the importance of literacy as a gateway to knowledge and future success.


Our years of experience makes us the ideal partner for your next project. We won't shy away from a challenge, but also know how to manage risks.

Crate making using power tools
Finished crates


Miriam Lee

Edusparc's woodworking workshop isn't just about hammering and sawing - it's about meticulous guidance and fostering a love for the craft.

James Lim

Edusparc's short film workshop is your director's chair to cinematic storytelling. Craft your vision with expert guidance, from script to screen. It's not just filmmaking, it's an immersive experience. Edusparc fosters a creative community where you'll learn, laugh, and share your cinematic passion.


To bring our vision into reality, we need the best partners out there. We've joined hands with one of the best.


If you're interested in hearing more about the way we work, have a business proposal, we'd love to hear from you.